Dealing in the financial sector, it has taught me a lot about life. I've learned a lot, though its still not enough, on how to make decisions, wheteher in work or life. Thinking back, hamba rasa, hamba ni tergolong dalam golongan yang "doing the right things" - efficient, and not the one who "doing things right" -effective.
Mereka yang tergolong dalam golongan "eficient" ni lebih kepada strategic thinking. Bertindak lebih sesuai ikut keadaan yang berlaku. Tapi mereka yang effective ni lebih kepada operational thinking, diorang buat keputusan ikut buku. Although ramai orang ingat yang financial sector ni lebih kepada operational and technical, tapi actually, cuma 40% jer, another 60% is strategic.
Enkorang pun kena hisab balik diri korang samada korang nih tergolong dalam mana group because this will help you in making your life decision and it will be your strenght.