Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Perkenan Waadat

Maka sembahlah Demang Lebar Daun, " Adapun Tuanku segala anak cucu patik sedia akan jadi hamba ke bawah Duli Yang Dipertuan; hendaklah ia diperbaiki oleh anak cucu duli Tuanku. Dan jika ia berdosa, sebesar-besar dosanya pun, jangan difadhilatkan, dinistakan dengan kata-kata yang jahat;jikalau besar dosanya dibunuh, itupun jikalau berlaku pada hukum syarak".

Maka titah Sang Sapurba, "Akan pinta bapa itu hamba kabulkanlah, tetapi hamba minta satu janji pada bapa hamba". Maka sembah sembah Demang Lebar Daun, "Janji yang mana itu Tuanku?".

Maka titah Sang Sapurba, "Hendaklah pada akhir zaman kelak anak cucu bapa hamba janagan derhaka pada anak cucu kita, jikalau ia zalim dan jahat pekerti sekalipun".

Maka sembah Demang Lebar Daun, "Baiklah, Tuanku. tetapi jikalau anak buah Tuanku dahulu mengubahkan dia, maka anak cucu patik pun mengubahkanlah".

Maka titah Sang Sapurba, "Baiklah, kabullah hamba akan waadat itu".

Sumber: W.G Shellabear (1995), Sejarah Melayu

Monday, September 14, 2009

Reading and Life...

I like to dedicate this entry to a friend.

I love reading. Books, magazine, comics, manga. As long as it suits me, I'll read it. Though its alway the same story, but the ingredients to make the story is usually not the same. In the end, its not how the story end that concern me, but always the things in the story that I read.

Same goes to life then for me. I plan, but I'm not into the outcome that much. I live by the moment. I try to enjoy life now, rather than worrying about what will happen next. Carefully I'll pick up whatever can be used through my life, thinking that it will be useful in the future.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Dalam mencari, kadangkala kita tersesat. Dalam menangguk ikan, biasanya tertangguk pasir. Jadi, kesimpulannya, tidak semua yang kita inginkan akan tercapai. Tetapi dalam pada itu, jangan berputus asa. Kerana pada putus asa itu, adanya syaitan yang akan membawa kita pergi lebih jauh dari simpang hidup yang sepatutnya kita lalui. Hakikatnya, hidup ini adalah keinginan dan kurniaan Allah Taala. Tunaikan hidup ini mengikut hak yang ditetapkan dan semoga kita diletakkan bersama mereka yang telah selamat diuji dan diberi rahmatNya.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One iftar moment..

Yesterday, as usual, I was breaking fast alone in one of my favourite restaurant, when a couple of teenagers came in holding hand, wearing inappropriate clothes (for Ramadhan). "...At least, cover your cleavage la, girl.. that one was so obvious...". The boy was so proud with his coloured mohican style hair, since he kept "rubbing" it, literally. When the iftar was timed, all the customers read their doa and calmly ate their food. But not those two. They have this loud "sounds". Whether it was coming from their mouth or their nosetrils, I can't identified. Whatever. After sometimes, the boy stood up to take a tissue box from another table. And it happened that he bonged one of the chairs. One word came out from his mouth and it was "Allah!". I appreciated that. Well, at least he still remember, the One Who Created him. And at least I can still find and see a good side for another person..


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